H&J Recordings


  • Banking on Clean Energy“: Ken LaRoe, founder of Climate First Bank, shares his journey building values-based bans that prioritize sustainability and impact. A certified B Corp, CFB is the first bank in the world to focus on supporting clean energy projects.


  • “Reflections of Life”: Filmmakers Justine du Toit and Michael Raimondo have created a series of wonderful short films that celebrate the beauty and resilience of life. “The films highlight the boundless beauty inherent in the human experience.” Head to the Reflections of Life website and be inspired.
  • “The Book of Joy”: Author Doug Abrams co-wrote “The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World” with the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu, two leaders whose people were brutally persecuted by governments bent on policies of power and subjugation. Through decades of daily contemplative practice, each emerged having found hope and joy in the midst of trauma.
  • “Wisdom and Courage for a World Falling Apart”: For a quarter-century, author, activist, philosopher and pastor Brian McLaren has been writing about intersections of religious faith and contemporary culture. His latest book, “Life After Doom, explores the need for new ways of thinking, becoming, and belonging in turbulent times. Our conversation with this wise, creative, and kind man covers ideas and perspectives you won’t hear anywhere else.
  • “The Power of Community”: Based around her book “The Upswing” (written with Robert Putnum), Shaylyn Romney Garrett covers the impact of the U.S. progressive movement that emerged in the 2nd half of the 19th century. Lasting through the 1960’s, the resulting policies and programs signaled a sustained shift in American culture throttling back individualism.
  • “The Science and Cultivation of Psychological Well-being”: Launched by a conversation with the Dalai Lama in 1992, Richard Davidson and other neuroscientists have been investigating the impacts of meditation on our brains and bodies for decades. Our conversation with Stephanie Wagner begins with a presentation about how the Healthy Minds Innovations team is helping people benefit from that work all around the world.
  • Why Our Minds Wander”: Neuroscientist and seasoned mediator Arno Delorme brings a wonderful and unique perspective to a conversation about the myriad benefits of daily mediation and contemplation practices. After a presentation from his book Why Our Minds Wander”, the conversation moves into questions about about his practices and perspectives.
  • “Putting Faith to Work in the Courtroom”: Melissa (Missy) Sims is a distinguished attorney and a fierce advocate for environmental justice. She built a groundbreaking climate lawsuit targeting the fossil fuel industry for racketeering. Missy’s strategy and work is a story more people need to hear. Equally intriguing and important is how Missy’s faith lies at the core of what she does.
  • “A Pediatrician on the Frontlines of Climate Change”: Debra Hendrickson, MD is the author of “The Air They Breathe” – a powerful book about the fight to to protect our children and the planet. In this conversation, Deb talks about how a global network of health professionals has been working at the grassroots level to educate the public and legislators. And, you’ll hear how she and her colleagues keep going, despite the setbacks.
  • “Not a Victory March”: This conversation with writer and activist Gareth Higgins covers powerful and hopeful lessons from the grassroots work that led to the end of the “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland. After wandering thru inspiring stories from his book “How Not to Be Afraid”, Gareth ended with a wonderfully simple and powerful message to the Third Act community: “We need you.”